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UNX-401: Solaris System Security

This four-day class enhances system administrations' abilities to develop practical security measures on their Solaris machines. Students will be provided hands-on experience in addition to valuable security knowledge.

Prior to attending this class, students should have the following experience:

Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • Define basic security concepts.
  • Create a security policy.
  • secure user and system accounts.
  • secure the file system.
  • secure the boot sequence.
  • Handle the security risks processes present.
  • secure cron and at.
  • Use audit files to improve system security.
  • secure Solaris from programmed threats.
  • secure the system from physical threats.
  • secure the system from network threats.


  1. Security Concepts
  2. Creating a Security Policy
  3. Securing User Accounts
  4. Securing System Accounts
  5. Securing the File System
  6. System Startup and Processes
  7. cron and at
  8. Auditing
  9. Programmed Threats
  10. Physical Security
  11. Network Security